Wednesday 28 November 2012

HTML5 - CSS3 Responsive web Design

Fresh Web Designs for 2013 Diseño Ideas Web Developers 

 HTML5 - CSS3 Responsive web Design

Three key technical features are the heart of responsive Web design:
  • Media queries and media query listeners
  • A flexible grid-based layout that uses relative sizing
  • Flexible images and media, through dynamic resizing or CSS
Truly responsive Web design requires all three features to be implemented.

Instead of responding to today’s needs for a desktop Web version adapted to the most common screen resolution, along with a particular mobile version (often specific to a single mobile device), the idea is to approach the issue the other way around: use flexible and fluid layouts that adapt to almost any screen.

Today, you can use media queries to scope styles to specific capabilities, applying different styles based on the capabilities that match your query. You can even combine queries that test for several features by using semantic operators such as AND and NOT). Features include width, height, max-width, max-height, device-height, orientation, aspect-ratio, resolution and more.

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