Thursday, 29 November 2012

Anglo American Racing Syndicate

Uk Top Horse Racing Syndicate 

Anglo American Racing - Racehorse Partnership.

Anglo-American Racing LP Horse Racing Syndicate specializes in forming professional and competitive syndicates for horse racing enthusiasts.

By providing people that have a passion for horse racing an opportunity to participate in the sport, we believe that we are creating a benefit for the people and the industry. We also believe that by compiling groups of horses as opposed to a single horse that risks are minimized and the reward possibilities are maximized.

This vehicle affords the average racing enthusiast the opportunity to participate in a real sense in the sport of horse racing with greatly enhanced chances of winners.

racehorse syndicate horse racing partnership

By providing people that have a passion for horse racing an opportunity to participate in the sport, we believe that we are creating a benefit for the people and the sport itself.

We also believe that by compiling groups of horses in a Package that the risk is minimised and the reward possibilities are maximised. This vehicle affords the average sportsperson the opportunity to participate in a real sense in the sport of horse racing.

This is your unique opportunity to own part of a successful racing stable. Each Racehorse syndicate will consist of up to 5 Top Race Horses, imported from the USA, to race in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Mainland Europe.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

HTML5 - CSS3 Responsive web Design

Fresh Web Designs for 2013 Diseño Ideas Web Developers 

 HTML5 - CSS3 Responsive web Design

Three key technical features are the heart of responsive Web design:
  • Media queries and media query listeners
  • A flexible grid-based layout that uses relative sizing
  • Flexible images and media, through dynamic resizing or CSS
Truly responsive Web design requires all three features to be implemented.

Instead of responding to today’s needs for a desktop Web version adapted to the most common screen resolution, along with a particular mobile version (often specific to a single mobile device), the idea is to approach the issue the other way around: use flexible and fluid layouts that adapt to almost any screen.

Today, you can use media queries to scope styles to specific capabilities, applying different styles based on the capabilities that match your query. You can even combine queries that test for several features by using semantic operators such as AND and NOT). Features include width, height, max-width, max-height, device-height, orientation, aspect-ratio, resolution and more.

Helena Revuelta - Pintora Artista

New Website Launched - For Helena Revuelta 

Artist - Painter Creations of her mind..

 Disenoideas Marbella Web Designers have launched the new responsive web design
A site designed with RWD uses CSS3 media queries, an extension of the @media rule, to adapt the layout to the viewing environment—along with fluid proportion-based grids and flexible images:
  • Media queries allow the page to use different CSS style rules based on characteristics of the device the site is being displayed on, most commonly the width of the browser.
  • The fluid grid concept calls for page element sizing to be in relative units like percentages or EMs, rather than absolute units like pixels or points.
  • Flexible images are also sized in relative units (up to 100%), so as to prevent them from displaying outside their containing element.
 Check out the new design here at

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Horse Racing Syndicate - Racehorse Partnerships

Anglo American Racing The top UK horse-racing syndicates for 2012

Anglo American Racing excels at selecting premier horse-racing syndicates throughout the UK and Ireland.
Horse-racing syndicates allow like-minded individuals with a love for the sport the opportunity to experience first-hand the thrill of owning a share of a race-horse or groups of horses.

The experience of standing next to your horse in the winner's enclosure can only be understood and appreciated by those individuals with a deep passion for the sport.

Horse-racing syndicates allow individuals to participate in a manner previously reserved for royalty and extraordinarily wealthy individuals.

Owning and running race horses can be very expensive for an individual thereby making the syndicate approach the viable answer to allow us to participate in the sport we love in a way we could only dream of before.

It is now common place for racing syndicates to win major stake races throughout the racing world.
Syndicates have won top stake races including The Queen Elizabeth Stakes, The King George VI, The Kentucky Derby, The Grand National and many, many more.

By participating in a group venture - Racehorse Partnership, one can achieve what was once only for the elite.
In order to receive our best syndicate recommendations for 2012.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Maquinas de Coser y Maquinas Remalladoras

Maquinas de Coser Y Maquinas Remalladoras
Máquinas de coser electromecánicas - Máquinas computarizadas.

Tenemos las marcas Astralux - Brother - Alfa. Contamos con un gran catálogo de máquinas de coser domésticas, semi-profesionales y profesionales, remalladoras (overlock), tijeras de costura, filtros de agua, accesorios, piezas y recambios para la costura doméstica y profesional. También contamos con máquinas de coser electromecánicas y máquinas de costura computarizadas. Nuestras principales marcas son Astralux, Brother, Alfa.

Estamos especializados en ofrecer lo mejor de la línea en máquinas de coser así como accesorios para las mejores marcas: Astralux, Alfa, Brother.

En Coser y Hogar le ofreceremos próximamente sensacionales kits para confeccionar de forma sencilla, todo tipo de ropa, vestidos, trajes, o cualquier tipo de arreglo

Web-development design Marbella - Seo Optimization services - Diseño Ideas

Co-Branded Prepaid Cards - Prepaid Card Programs

Co-Branded Prepaid Card Programs - Credit and Debit prepaid cards

Co-branded prepaid Credit Card programs that will truly set you apart from the pack. Co-branded Cards can help you attract new members and retain existing ones. Credocard´s integrated services are specially designed to promote and benefit your company or organization on the National and International market.

Specialized payment programs
Credocard specializes in the following payment programs:

Cobranded Prepaid cards offer, debit card programs and credit card programs that are co-branded with the Visa and MasterCard – the two leading financial service providers.

Co-branded cards display the logo of the company along with smaller logos of the financial service providers and the card issuing authority like bank or financial institution. But co-branded cards are not just plastic cards with fancy logos on them.

Prepaid Cards
Prepaid cards are used for making transactions as well but the money is deposited beforehand by the card holder. These cards are especially effective for impulsive buyers who have difficulty practicing self-restraint when it comes to shopping.

Web-development - SEO Optimization Marbella - Diseno Ideas

Desguaces Madrid - Desguace Camiones Madrid

Desguaces de Camiones en Madrid 
Cuenta con un taller especializado en Desguace de camiones.
Nuestro desguace de camiones en Madrid. Contamos con un estupendo taller especializado en camiones y maquinaría de todo tipo, camiones siniestrados, averiados, accidentados, con golpes.

Desguaces Tacha Madrid contamos con piezas y recambios para camiones, coches, vehículos, maquinaría, etc;
Con piezas nuevas, reconstruidas y de ocasión, todo para su camión, coche, maquinaría ó vehículo. Tasaciones sin compromiso, retirada de vehículos, certificados catv, para la baja de camiones y vehículos de cualquier tipo.


Diseño de Págineas Web y SEO Posicionamiento web - Diseño Ideas Marbella